Difference Between Pea Cat Litter And Soybean Cat Litter


Compared with bentonite cat litter, tofu cat litter is larger in volume but lighter in weight, and it has the advantages of fast water absorption, quick clumping, and odor absorption. At present, there is much new tofu cat litter on the market. In addition to tofu cat litter of various fragrances and diameters, pea cat litter has become the focus of many businesses. Pea cat litter sometimes is called pea fiber tofu cat litter or pea tofu cat litter. Is there any difference between pea cat litter and ordinary soybean cat litter? Is pea cat litter better quality? Let's take a look at the new favorite in cat litter - pea cat litter.

tofu cat sand

Difference between pea cat litter and soybean cat litter

The main raw materials of tofu cat litter are composed of fiber, corn starch, and guar gum. The main difference between pea cat litter and soybean cat litter lies in the different fibers used. In the cat litter industry, fiber is generally divided into two types: soybean fiber and pea fiber, and the advantages and disadvantages of the two are very obvious. The cost of the former is relatively low, but it is easy to get sour and smelly, while the latter is completely the opposite.

Fiber accounts for the largest proportion of the raw materials of tofu cat litter, so the quality of fiber also greatly affects the quality of finished tofu cat litter, including appearance and performance. In appearance, the surface of pea cat litter particles is fine and smooth, no impurities can be seen, and the color is whiter. In terms of performance, because the adsorption of pea fiber is stronger than that of soybean fiber, and the powdering rate is lower than that of soybean fiber, the performance of pea cat litter is more prominent in water absorption and deodorization, and it is clumping faster and stronger, non-stick bottom, the dosage is also saved.

bulk cat litter

How to choose from pea cat litter and soybean cat litter

We recommend cat litter made of pea fiber. The water absorption and odor absorption ability of pea fiber are incomparable to those of soybean fiber. Although the price of pea cat litter will be more expensive, because of its stronger water absorption, the dosage is more economical than that of soybean cat litter. In addition, it is faster and stronger clumping and does not stick to the bottom, so the pea cat litter will be more convenient and trouble-free during use. So the pea cat litter is more cost-effective. In addition, pea cat litter can be regarded as an upgraded product of tofu cat litter, with a higher-end positioning. Now, most of the famous and good tofu cat litter uses pea fiber.

cat litter sand

How to identify pea cat litter and soybean cat litter

We already know that pea cat litter is better in quality and more cost-effective. How can we choose the right pea cat litter? In particular, many cat litter manufacturers in the market use soybean fiber to replace pea fiber, which is shoddy. This requires us to keep our eyes open when purchasing tofu cat litter. Here are a few tips on how to identify them.

Ingredients. The ingredient list on the tofu cat litter package will indicate the various ingredients it uses, to see if it is clearly labeled with pea fiber. The use of pea fiber is an important advantage and selling point of tofu cat litter products, so merchants will definitely actively promote this. This means that if it is pea cat litter, the merchant will definitely indicate the word "pea fiber" on the ingredient list, in other prominent positions, or even on the product name. If pea fiber is not listed on the package, or if it uses vague statements such as "fiber", we should be cautious about it. But it should be noted that the ingredient list is easy to be faked and can only be used as a preliminary investigation.

Appearance. Pea cat litter is generally white or light yellow, and the color of soybean cat litter is more yellow. In addition, the surface of pea cat litter particles is fine, complete, smooth, and free of impurities.

Experience. Pea cat litter is more prominent than soybean cat litter in terms of water absorption and deodorization, and it is clumping faster and stronger and does not stick to the bottom. Soybean cat litter will have a weaker absorption ability, and it will be easier to stick to the bottom.

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